Membership Agreement

The GWCSA supports a sustainable, certified-organic farm. The CSA facilitates distribution of vegetables, fruit, eggs, and various grocery add-on options from Hearty Roots Farm of the Hudson Valley, NY and other local farms to CSA members. The Farm sets the CSA share prices and the share amounts and contents. The CSA coordinates member signup and payments to the Farm, and oversees the distribution of goods we are given by the Farm to our members. The CSA is an independent organization, separate from the Farm.

1. Pre-Payment

I agree to pay for my share(s) in full or with installments at the time of sign-up.

An initial payment plus a separate administrative fee is due at registration. All balances must be paid in full at sign-up or with an installment plan. Shares may not be picked up until balances are paid in full or a payment plan is in place. Late payments are subject to a fee. Those who have not paid in full or have a payment plan in good standing after 2 weeks of the start date or signup date, whichever is later, may not participate in the season and will forfeit all deposits. The CSA reserves the right to refuse membership to any member. 

2. Refunds & Ending Membership Mid-Season

The GWCSA does not refund payments after the season start deadline for any reason.

The CSA model relies on payments made in advance of the distribution season in order to fund and sustain farm production during their slower months. The premise of this system entails committing, in advance, to full participation and support through pre-season payments. Therefore, if a member finds, for any reason, that she is unable or unwilling to maintain membership in the GWCSA after the season start date, she will not receive a refund. Said members are encouraged to sell their remaining share(s), at the pro-rated price, to a friend or fellow member who may want to add to their existing share. The GWCSA will assist, as we are able, by contacting our wait list and putting any interested prospective members in touch directly with the current member to make private arrangements for selling of said share(s).

3. Mandatory Work Shift

I commit to working my scheduled work shift(s).

The GWCSA requires that members work a few hours per season to support the weekly distribution of the farm product. Work shifts are selected via a link emailed after you register, or on our site after the season begins.  For more details, please see the Work Shifts page.

The work shift(s) is MANDATORY and CANNOT BE CHANGED once the season begins. We are member-run and your involvement is what keeps the CSA functioning. Likewise, your participation in your scheduled shift is essential to keep your membership in good standing. If you cannot make your shift, you MUST arrange for someone else to work for you and notify the GWCSA via email at

In the event a member misses their shift, he or she forfeits one pickup week and will need to make up the work shift. Members are welcome and encouraged to work additional shifts and/or participate in the CSA events.

4. Share Pick-Ups (Distribution)

I am responsible for picking up my own shares at my distribution time (or having a designee do so), otherwise I forfeit that week's share.

Members assume complete responsibility to pick up their shares at the weekly pick-up point, on their designated day, during the designated timeframe, or forfeit that week's share. If necessary, members may make their own arrangements to have someone else pick up for them, or with another GWCSA member to trade weeks. In the event that a member is unable to pick up their share, the GWCSA cannot provide a replacement share or take responsibility for facilitating the swapping of share pickups.

When arriving at distribution, members first need to check in before picking up a share and check in separately for each share type. Shares are listed under the primary member’s name.

Members need to pick up their shares with their own bags. We suggest at least two large tote bags and smaller plastic bags and containers to put individual items in.

I agree to take only the produce/goods that are part of my share, and only in the amounts designated.

Distribution is organized by item, marked with a sign that will tell the member the amount that they should take. Members are free to peruse the produce within the crate, selecting the individual vegetable that they prefer. However, members are to take ONLY the amounts listed on the share sign (whether by weight or volume). The CSA receives a fixed amount from the Farm, based on the number of members. It’s important that no one takes more than their share or change the amounts of items taken based on personal preferences, so that other members will not be deprived of some of their vegetables or fruit. The GWCSA cannot provide alternate share items for members who have allergies or specific food preferences. 

5. Share Contents

I understand that the shares vary in content and quantity of items from week to week. Members receive produce that is in season.

Although there is a large variety each week, the produce will change from week to week. The CSA may send an update prior to distribution as to what the share contents are likely to be; however contents are always subject to change.

I understand that Hearty Roots Farm may reduce share quantities in the event of bad weather or other detrimental natural conditions affecting harvest.

The production and delivery of farm produce relies heavily upon weather and natural conditions. During exceptionally good conditions, CSA members benefit from surplus produce. Conversely, in the case of a season of bad weather, a natural disaster, crop failure, wild animals picking off the chickens, or other natural forces beyond control, the Farm is not liable to distribute produce or other goods it does not have to the CSA. The Farm works to mitigate these situations to the extent possible, however, this means that there may be times when share quantities be reduced. Members understand and accept the benefits and risks inherent to agriculture and neither Hearty Roots Farm nor the GWCSA shall be held liable in the event of reduced shares. Working together to support the farm through difficult times means that the Farm will be able to recover and continue to sustain a source of quality produce for the CSA community in the long term.

6. Membership

I understand the Greenpoint-Williamsburg CSA is a member-run organization.

The Greenpoint-Williamsburg CSA is maintained by the CSA core members and the CSA member community. The Farm relies on the CSA community to maintain its sustainable, organic farming. CSA members rely on the Farm to provide us with healthy, local, organic produce. Members commit to help do their part and realize that participation is the key to sustainable living.