Become a GWCSA Member
New for 2024: meet our new farm partner - Hearty Roots Farm!
By purchasing shares, our members support the farm when they need it most - before the start of the growing season – and receive fresh, organic produce throughout the summer and fall.
Please read the Membership Agreement and then sign up below!:
Locations & Sign Ups
Wednesday distributions are at Dukes Liquor Box 6:30pm -8 pm, 114 Franklin St, Brooklyn, NY 11222
Signups are open! Sign up for a Wednesday (Yes, we are back to Wednesdays!) summer 2024 veggie share + add ons. Select the Greenpoint / Duke’s Liquor Box location. NOTE: you will need to pay the separate admin fee on the Grownby site! Scroll down on the main page and select Greenpoint Williamsburg CSA from the selections under “*Required Membership Fee*”
Saturday distributions are at McCarren Park from 9:30am - 12pm.
Signups are open! Sign up for a Saturday summer 2024 veggie share. Select the Williamsburg/McCarren Park location. NOTE: you will need to pay the separate admin fee on the Grownby site! Scroll down on the main page and select Greenpoint Williamsburg CSA from the selections under “*Required Membership Fee*”
Coming soon: we are working to confirm what additional add-on shares we may offer this year. Past years included coffee, jam, mushrooms, honey and more. Stay tuned!
We offer weekly and biweekly shares of:
vegetables (organic)
fruit (local, low-spray)
eggs (pastured, natural feed)
additional add on shares to be confirmed soon!
Our mission
To establish and maintain connections between local residents and local farms and producers, and to foster more sustainable ways of eating and living.
Hearty Roots Farm We are partnered with Hearty Roots Farm in the Hudson Valley, New York for organic veggies, eggs and fruit
Dukes Liquor Box - We pride ourselves in our selection of fine spirits & liquors, located in the heart of Greenpoint.
more coming soon!